
#48 in B-School, but #1 in Entrepreneurship - Babson College

前陣子在看US News Ranking的時候,就在研究entrepreneurship的排名,第一名是我聽都沒聽過的Babson College,其他才是Satndford、Harvard、Wharton、MIT......的名校。Babson在整個Graduate School Ranking才排48,雖然說Top 50都算不錯的學校,但是這差距未免也太大,所以上了幾間學校的網站研究一下,也順便在幾間我有興趣的學校留了些聯絡資料,一些牛校就說為了保護地球所以請你自行下載電子檔來看。而Babson非常的積極,在我留下資料後,過幾天就收到他們的Admission Officer寫信給我,告訴我有任何問題都可以隨時問他-非常積極的學校。

過了大約三個禮拜,我收到了Babson College的書面簡介,還有一片小光碟,雖然我還沒有時間打開來看,但我覺得十分地感到被重視。上了傷咖研究一下,原來Babson是一間十分重視實務的學校,他們的教授都是擁有在外創業過的經驗,也經常邀請創業成功的校友回來演講,甚至是學生都是家族企業或是自行創業過的人來此進修,所以整個program非常的重視實務。

Here comes the question, why I want to have specialty in entrepreneurship? For my own life-style business someday? Or get into the big company for star-up unit? Or just join the start-up company? I really have no idea, cause I just think entrepreneurship is interesting and I would like to study. I am just sick of marketing enough!

If I seek to have my own business, I think I should try Babson, but I am not quite sure about that. I want to have more choices when I back to Taiwan.
