剛收到INSEAD的Newsletter,雖然說她們太牛以致於我沒打算申請(全球排名第四!),但是我還是被其中之一個標題吸引住:Our top three application tips for a tough admissions year... 。最近已經開始想Essay的部分,原本以為大概一個禮拜就可以搞定,沒想到這個自我探索的過程需要更長。
By Cassandra Pittman, Assistant Director of Marketing, North America, MBA programme, INSEAD
I've been on the road for the last month attending MBA fairs and hosting information sessions and one of the most common questions I am asked is: 'How will the state of the economy impact my chances for MBA admission?' So, let's get straight to it.
This is a highly competitive year for MBA admissions. Business school applications run counter-cyclical to the economy. So when the economy is down like it is now, applications shoot up. And not just at INSEAD. Colleagues I have spoken with at other top business schools also report a significant increase. So, in such a competitive environment, what can you do to make your application stand out against the rest? Here are my top three tips:
1) Know your audience
It’s important for you to know how and by what criteria your application will be assessed. At INSEAD, we evaluate every application against four central criteria -- and four only. They are academic capacity, leadership potential, international motivation, and ability to contribute to the INSEAD experience. Each criterion carries equal weight, which means you must be strong in all four to present a strong application. You can learn more about each one by visiting the Admissions Requirements page on our website.
2) Address your weaknesses
We all have strengths and weaknesses. Most people are aware of their strengths but tend to ignore their weaknesses. You need to be honest with yourself about your weaknesses, and then do what you can to address them. In this competitive environment, you'll want to avoid being borderline anything if you can, so exhaust all avenues to strengthen your application. For example, if your undergraduate grades are not as good as you would have liked, be sure to present your strongest possible score on the GMAT. Remember, to be competitive at INSEAD you should aim to achieve a score in the 70th to 75th percentile in both the quantitative and verbal sections of the test. Similarly, if you haven't had much experience leading people, teams or projects, consider engaging in some volunteer work which will give you the opportunity to do so.
3) Be authentic
To improve your chances of being accepted you might be tempted to tell us what you think we want to hear. RESIST THE TEMPTATION. I can't emphasise this enough. We're looking for people who shine both on- and off-paper. Now, more than ever, it is important for you to distinguish yourself from the crowd. Your uniqueness will be your strength. So be yourself and tell us about who you are, not just the work you want to do.
Do you love yoga? Great! Maybe you'll organise yoga classes after exams or start a yoga club at school. Are you a great salsa dancer? Fantastic! You can help us bring home the Salsa Cup in the MBA Olympics. Or perhaps you can help us organise the Latin American week. Are you passionate about making a positive impact on the world? Amazing! You could be elected to lead one of our student organisations for social impact, such as INDEVOR or the Energy Club.
Whatever your personal interests are, telling us about them will help you stand out from other applicants with similar career and academic profiles.